Friday, July 3, 2009

What equipment wil I need to do this?

"What Equpment and supplements do I need to do this right?

1) P90X Extreme Training System The first thing you'll need is the P90X 12 DVD workout program. You can purchase it in the Team Beachbody store by clicking here P90X.

2) A Place To Do Pull UpsBeachbody has a pull up/chin up bar designed especially for the P90X program. It mounts to any standard size interior doorway. I believe it's approximately $49 plus shipping. It's really nice and a good deal for the money. You can check it out in the Team Beachbody store by clicking here Pull up bar.

3) A Good Yoga MatI can't stress enough how important a good yoga mat is. You'll be using this for yoga, "Ab Ripper X, and also Plyometrics", . A poor mat can leave your tailbone exposed to a hard floor. Check out the Manduka Mat that Team Beachbody carries. You can see it in the Team Beachbody by clicking here Yoga mat.

4)Dumbells and/or Resistance Bands . People ask me all of the time, which is better, dumbbells or resistance bands. I tell them both. Each has advantages. I use the Bowflex Selecttechs . These dumbbells are selectable/interchangeable. You can turn a dial in a weight and instantly be lifting a different amounts.These dumbbells are the ones recommended and approved by Beachbody. They are also the dumbbells used in the latest P90X+ workout videos.Resistance bands can be used throughout P90X in place of the dumbbells. In fact, one of Tony's "kids" (as he calls them...his workout buddies in the P90X workouts) will be demonstrating the exercise using a band. Beachbody carries "B Lines" resistance bands. For someone who travels alot these are irreplaceable. You can check out the B-Lines resistance bands in the Team Beachbody store by clicking here Resistance bands.

5)Heart Rate MonitorBeachbody recommends that you use a heart rate monitor to gauge your intensity and progress during workouts. They have a nice monitor made by Reebok in the Team Beachbody store.

6)Yoga BlocksThese are also recommended by Beachbody to use during Yoga. The blocks offer added support to assist with balance while holding certain poses. The Team Beachbody store carries them.

7)Body Fat TesterThis will give you an accurate reading on your body fat throughout the program. These are available in the Team Beachbody store.

8)Push Up StandsI love push up stands. The stands take all of the pressure off of my wrists.My favorites are called "Tony's Powerstands". click here Push up stands .

Supplements I Recommend:

1)Beachbody Peak Recovery Formula: Very Important! Don't Miss! I'm yet to find another product on the market comparable to the Beachbody Peak Recovery Formula. We know from extensive scientific research that there is an approximate 60 minute window of opportunity following exercise when muscle cells are primed to repair, rebuild, and adapt from a hard workout. The P90X recovery drink was designed to provide the precise nutrients you'll need to achieve maximum results from your p90X workout. Proper post workout nutrition is a KEY FACTOR in your success with P90X! Folks, these workouts are WAY too hard to be skipping here!I'm yet to find another product on the market that is better suited to provide maximum glycogen replenishment and muscle re-synthesis. And this stuff tastes unbelievably good!Ingredients include protein, creatine, L-Glutamine, and L-Argenine. Ladies, don't worry about the creatine making you "bulky' either. It's only about 500 mg...about 10% of a normal serving of creatine. It's there to enhance performance without adding bulk.I know some people who are trying to mix up their own concoctions using whey protein powder, Gatorade, creatine, L-Glutamine, etc. Well, #1...these concoctions PROBABLY don't taste that great. #2, they probably take a little time to mix up. #3.. Why try to re-invent the wheel? We're talking $39.95 for a month's supply. Actually...since you only need the recovery formula after HARD workouts (I don't take it after Yoga or StretchX) it lasts longer than a month. When you add up the prices of ingredients for the homemade drinks, the Beachbody Peak Recovery Formula really is a no brainer. I love it. I could drink it all day out of a barrel if I could!You will find the Peak Recovery Formula in the Team Beachbody store by clicking here Recovery formula.

2) Whey Protein Powder: Very Important!P90X demands A LOT from your body. You have to fuel it with enough protein. It is hard to get enough protein in your system with a normal diet. The powder is a great way to supplement this. Protein is a key component in your first 30 days of p90X. Protein is harder for the body to break down. As your body is working harder to break the protein down, it has to burn more calories. There's a novel idea...Have the body burn calories while you're doing nothing! Brilliant!One of the cleanest and best sources of protein is Whey Protein Powder. There is a time period shortly after your workout where your body is primed to take in protein to help rebulid and grow muscle. Beachbody sells a great tasting chocolate and vanilla flavor. I prefer the vanilla. You will find the Beachbody Whey Protein Powder in the Team Beachbody store by clicking here Whey Protein powder.

3)P90X Peak Performance Protein BarsThe P90X Nutrition Guide calls for performance bars during your first 60 of the 90 days. They are phased out in the last 30 days. The main thing with an energy protein bar is to find something you like. I was pleasantly surprised when I tried the mocha bars. They tasted great and I actually looked forward to them each day. They also have a great peanut butter flavor now as well. You will find the Peak Performance Protein Bars in the Team Beachbody store byclicking here Protein bars. Click on the "Nutrition tab". .Other SupplementsAbove, I've listed all of the supplements I've used with P90X. Other highly praised supplements include their Activit Fat Burning/Toning Formulas, Meal Replacement Shakes, and Slimming Formula. I know others that use and love all of these. Shop the store and see if these may be for you. You will find all of these in the Team Beachbody store.

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